Saturday, December 31, 2011

Purple smoothie!

I'm here to tell you about my new best thing!! I call it a purple smoothie.. its so beautiful, so delicious and sooo good for you!

I don't measure ingredients, so I'm sorry for you OCDers out there, this will not be for you.

In your blender throw in some:

-frozen blueberries
-frozen strawberries (about 1/2 of the amount of blueberries)
-1 frozen banana
-vanilla soymilk (I am not a fan of soymilk, I think this will probably taste even better with almond milk!)
-coconut water (just a little bit... you can freeze it into ice cubes if you think ahead!)
-1 tablespoon flax seed (be sure to not add TOO much if you don't normally consume flax seed, it can cause a stomach ache because of high fiber. This is probably the most important ingredient because of the Omega 3!)

I was going to throw some acai juice in too but couldn't find any at the store.

As always, to up the health value you could add in some kale or spinach. The blueberry will take over the taste, don't worry about it tasting weird!

Smoothies are a great way to get your fruit (and veggie!) requirements for the day, and they are insanely delicious. Insanely. The best thing is that you can pretty much throw anything into the blender and its going to taste amazing. Another really good smoothie I love is orange juice & bananas! Hello fabulous!

My New Years Eve drink of choice!

Not only will I not feel disgusting in the morning from a hang over, I will feel as fabulous as I do now =)

If you're looking for a hangover cure Sunday morning... make this, and add lots of kale!!!

Happy 2012 !

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Apple Crisp love

This was my first time making apple crisp - I'm not very fond of apples actually and I hate baking and I'm not even really all that into sweets. But, for some odd reason this morning it sounded good.

So I started with 8 granny smith apples.

Can I just say that peeling apples is a real pain in the you-know-what? My wrist still hurts, I'm not cut out for this manual labor stuff.

Anyway- the recipe was simple enough- I'm not even sure I can count this as "baking" it was too simple!

I found the recipe here and it could very easily be made more healthy, or could very easily be made vegan. I think it would taste delicious with Luna & Larry's ice cream on top.

It even got the boyfriend's approval! Quote- "its like a party in your mouth!" =)

Vegan Pizza!

People tend to turn the other way when you say "cheese-less pizza" but I promise you, if you try it just once you will really enjoy it. You can actually taste the vegetables rather than all that cheese... vegetables have amazing flavor!

Saying this, I have never ever in my life been the person to have to "choke down" a vegetable. I've never met a vegetable I didn't absolutely love... and then came kale.

Kale is an amazing source of vitamins and it's at peak during winter, so its really a staple this time of year. However I find myself eating around it in my meals.. or finding aways to "drown out" the taste. Its strange for me to have to acquire a taste for a vegetable as I have always been the one who wants veggies over sweets (most days!). I eat tomatoes like people eat chips (mmmm cherry tomatoes come back in season quickkk I miss you).. 85% of my groceries are vegetables every week- I truly love them. But I can not bring myself to even like kale. I am hoping, praying, wishing that it is just the ways I've been preparing it. As it is 5am & I have been awake since 3:30 & can not sleep for the life of me.. I've been up googling kale. This is what normal 20-somethings do early Saturday morning right?

Apparently alot of people agree with me that kale has a very bitter taste to it, however, it is claimed to be so bitter because it has so many vitamins in it. As somebody who has struggled with iron issues, I really can not afford to dislike a vegetable so good for me! It literally is going to eat away at me until I find a way to enjoy it - the non-wrinkling non-pathetic looking veggies are sparse these chilly months, I want to be able to take advantage of the fresh ones! There appears to be many methods to cooking, steaming, preparing kale so I really hope I can find one that works for me.

Anyway.. on to the food!


This was my first pizza with potato on it & it was AMAZING!! I used a whole wheat crust, threw on some tomato sauce, added onion- garlic- green peppers- potatoes{I boiled the potatoes for a little bit and then chopped them up on the pizza.}- kale- & some italian seasoning, baked for 10 mins and wa-la! This is a delicious meal that can be made in literally 20 minutes prep to sit down. Perfect for those lazy nights that you spend curled up on your couch watching Hoarders reruns & don't want to miss much by being in the kitchen........